There are many places to go for good locally produced food and drink, places to sleep or visit here are a few suggestions close to us at Ferny Rigg Alpacas;
The Black Cock Inn https://www.theblackcockinnatfalstone.com/
Falstone Tea Room https://www.falstonetearooms.co.uk/
The Pheasant Inn https://www.thepheasantinn.com/
Cafe on the water Tower Knowe http://www.visitkielder.com/cafes-tearooms/cafe-on-the-water
The Anglers Arms https://anglersarms.business.site/
Dukes Pantry Kielder Castle https://www.dukespantry.co.uk/
The Boe Rigg http://www.theboerigg.co.uk/
The Holly Bush Inn https://www.hollybushinn.net/
Kielder Sports http://kieldersports.co.uk/ Sports
Check them out on Trip Advisor https://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/
Booking for food is recommended for most places in the area, they are very popular.
There is also the fantastic countryside all around, with walks galore.